These free tools serve as user guidance and as a complement to subsequent calculations that must be performed.
Use that can be made of the information contained in these tools is sole responsibility of the person who performs it.
Sopelia is not responsible for any possible calculation errors that may occur and therefore will not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that could derive from the results obtained.
Solar Calculator
It automatically obtains system budget, production data and performance study.
Off Grid Solar Systems Calculator
Free online application for off-grid solar systems calculation. It allows users to introduce new components from any manufacturer and product datasheets to be considered in the calculation.
Off-grid Systems Scale Calculator
Solar basic estimation of off-grid systems. Solar modules, batteries, controller and inverter calculation.
Solar Water Pumping Calculator
Calculator to obtain approximate energy needs figures for solar water pumping.
Solar and Wind Energy Systems Calculation
Tool which determines requirements to meet solar and / or wind contribution for electrification and pumping needs.
Grid-connected system online simulation
Online application to estimate production and economic income of a grid-connected system.
Battery Bank Capacity Calculator
Calculator to estimate battery bank size needed to keep consumption by solar operation.
Wire Section Calculator
Tool in JavaScript format for copper and aluminum DC wire calculation.